Mr. WONG Kwong Chi
Independent Non-Executive Director
Member of Audit Committee

Aged 72, has been an INED since 30 June 2021 and was further appointed as a Member of the Audit Committee since 1 November 2021. Mr. Wong was an independent non-executive director of the Group from 1998 to 2012. He has extensive experience in the capital investment market. Mr. WONG is a founding partner and a member of the investment committee of Whiz Partners Asia Limited and he is the chairman of the board of directors of Cornwall Medical Holding Company Limited. Mr. WONG was an executive director of CDC Corporation which is a listed company in the United States and an executive director of CDC Software Corporation which is a public company in the United States. He was also an executive director of Inc. (now known as Sino Splendid Holdings Limited) and an independent non-executive director of Glory Mark Hi-Tech (Holdings) Limited and Sinoref Holdings Limited (now known as Cybernaut International Holdings Company Limited), all of which are listed companies in Hong Kong. Mr. WONG holds a Bachelor’s degree of Science in Physics and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Additionally, Mr. WONG served as the former Chairman of the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association, the former Vice President of The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association and the former Vice President of the Hong Kong Auto Parts Industry Association. He is also a member of the Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council and the Honorary Advisor of the Hong Kong Critical Components Manufacturers Association.